How are financial arrangements handled?

A predetermined fee is charged for each type of procedure, thus providing a reasonably accurate estimate of your cost in advance.

The fee for the Surgery Center, the surgeon and the anesthesiologist are separate.

  • If your insurance requires special authorization, referrals or claim forms, please bring these completed forms along with your insurance card and all insurance information with you.
  • You will be asked to pay deductibles and estimated co-insurance prior to surgery. If we are unable to verify your insurance you will be asked to make a deposit the day of the surgery.
  • Uninsured and/or cash patients will be required to pay for services the day of surgery by check or money order.
  • Patients who carry health insurance should remember that professional services are rendered and charged to the patient and not to the insurance company.

You can expect help from Oklahoma Surgicare's personnel in the following matters.

  • We will bill your insurance company as a courtesy. However, Oklahoma Surgicare cannot accept responsibility for collecting your insurance claim or for negotiating a settlement on a disputed claim. You are responsible for any balance due and payment will be requested from you unless your insurance company pays within 90 days.
  • We will cooperate with third party carriers to the fullest in handling questions about your claim.
  • We will provide you with status reports regarding your account in the form of monthly statements.
  • In the event of any overpayment, we will promptly refund the amount of overpayment.

It is our hope this mutual effort will result in your account being cleared in the timely way specified and in a way which is satisfactory to you.

If you have any questions regarding any of the preceding you are encouraged to phone the Business Office at (405) 755-6240.